
Have your Say

Doctors of BC want to hear from members on three separate topics relevant to BC doctors, via their online member engagement platform. You can also read more about the engagement here: https://www.doctorsofbc.ca/news/march-2021-member-engagement. The communication is looking to engage members on these topics over the next couple of weeks to help inform work Doctors of BC is doing, and aid the advocacy and policy efforts. They specifically are looking to hearing from you on:

  • Illicit Drug Overdose Crisis: Help to inform policy recommendations and commitments that reflect and address the BC context
  • Diversity and Inclusion: Provide feedback on a vision statement that makes clear our commitment to diversity and inclusion
  • Non-Physician Owned Clinics: Take our Quick Poll and help ensure we’re on the right track to providing the guidance you need.

The discussions on these topics will end on 28th March at 11:59 pm.