PQI LEVEL 2 FUNDAMENTALS Develop introductory skills on how to test & measure change, understand systems, build a team, and sustain project gains. See PDF poster for details, dates, and registration information

PQI LEVEL 2 FUNDAMENTALS Develop introductory skills on how to test & measure change, understand systems, build a team, and sustain project gains. See PDF poster for details, dates, and registration information
PQI LEVEL 2 FUNDAMENTALS Develop introductory skills on how to test & measure change, understand systems, build a team, and sustain project gains. See PDF poster for details, dates, and registration information
The MSA Annual Meeting and the Facility Engagement AGM were on 24th November 2021. Dr. Geetha Gupta (Treasurer, MSA and LMHPA) and Dr. Anna Chlebak (Director of LMHPA) stepped down from their positions. Dr. Zuheir Abrahams was elected as the Secretary/Treasurer for MSA and Dr. Erika Mehl was re-elected as the MSA President. Two new […]
Save the date The Annual General Meeting and MSA elections are on coming up on the 24th of November. For the elections, we have 2 directors positions open for Langley Memorial Hospital Physician Association and 2 executive positions for the MSA. If you are interested in joining the Governance table at the MSA/LMHPA, please fill […]
Doctors of BC want to hear from members on three separate topics relevant to BC doctors, via their online member engagement platform. You can also read more about the engagement here: https://www.doctorsofbc.ca/news/march-2021-member-engagement. The communication is looking to engage members on these topics over the next couple of weeks to help inform work Doctors of BC is […]
Fraser Health has compiled and created a webpage with health and wellness resources for all its staff and physicians. In addition, there is free and confidential help for any work, health, or life concern through Morneau Shepell. As part of the Employee Assistance Program (EAP), the staff can avail confidential counseling support via phone. EAP […]
Lower Mainland Integrated Protection Services (LMIPS) has partnered with HangTag to implement an electronic permit (ePermit) digital platform in order to eliminate the use of paper passes and hangers. An ePermit is a programmed set of parking privileges that are requested through the HangTag ePermit Portal. Once approved by Parking Administration, your licence plate(s) will […]
MSA Meeting/Facility Engagement AGM – November 25th at 6pm and 7pm respectively. This will be via Zoom – invite to follow – but for those that RSVP – we will also send you a $40 voucher to have food delivered to your home. So please RSVP! Dr. Mike Goodwin’s term is coming to an end […]
November is Wellness month and there are several virtual events ongoing. Dr. Sarah Lord (our LMH Wellness Liason) has recommended the following event which requires registration by November 8th and occurs on November 12th. https://www.eventbrite.com/e/how-organizations-support-physician-wellbeing-with-dr-tait-shanafelt-tickets-125383743151 And there are several FH related events that can be accessed at: https://us17.campaign-archive.com/?e=__test_email__&u=ba1eed881833c3cf6cb9907be&id=be81fc0e00