Doctors of BC is engaging Members on our Bang the Table engagement platform on the topic of gender equity in BC medicine for a three-week period, beginning June 30, and lasting until July 21*. Gender Equity in BC Medicine Engagement Survey
The Council on Health Economics and Policy (CHEP), a standing committee of the Board of Directors, is in the early stages of research and consideration of gender equity in the medical profession here in BC, with the goal of developing policy on this topic. Research from Canada and abroad indicates that female physicians are underrepresented in medical leadership positions, experience worse work-life integration, and experience gender-based income gaps. While the causes aren’t fully understood, research on gender equity suggests that gender bias in both medicine and at a societal level plays a significant role.
We urge our members to share their thoughts and experiences on this important issue. Your input will help inform how we advocate for you with government and other stakeholders.
What is Bang The Table?: As in previous engagement with members, we are using Bang the Table, an online engagement platform. You can visit the engagement homepage to register, or login in if you have used it before. This engagement platform has been used previously to discuss decriminalization and safe supply, physician burdens, and proposed changes to health care regulations.
If you have any questions about the survey, please contact: